Read this First: About This Knowledge Base
  • 16 Mar 2022
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Read this First: About This Knowledge Base

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Article summary

Welcome to the Clean Climate Communications Knowledge Base!

Climate change is arguably the biggest challenge we face today, and communities across Canada have a key role to play. Rural municipalities and regions are increasingly responsible for lowering their GHG emissions intensity, and for coming up with solutions and funding to mitigate the future impacts of climate change. This ranges from rebuilding infrastructure to withstanding extreme weather events to optimizing transit systems to reduce emissions.

Ideally, many solutions will 'trickle up' from constituents—municipalities are closest to the ground and can develop solutions that are tailored to their communities.

But when it comes to communicating these issues and their impacts directly to community stakeholders, municipalities often face challenges such as lack of resources, personnel, and capital, not to mention the in-house expertise necessary to build communications and engagement strategies.

This project is meant to create a supplementary communications-focused knowledge base for rural Nova Scotian municipalities, to help them find supporting materials and guidance to help communicate their clean climate actions to planning teams, councillors, colleagues, and constituents.

What to expect

This is a living guidebook. We'll add resources to it over time, and we welcome your feedback and success stories so we can continue to share resources across a network of resilient Nova Scotia communities.

© 2021, Clean Foundation. All Rights Reserved
The preparation of this knowledge base was carried out with assistance from the Government of Canada and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. Notwithstanding this support, the views expressed are the personal views of the authors, and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and the Government of Canada accept no responsibility for them.

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